Financial Literacy Academy, A program of the Financial Education Center
Community Teamwork’s Financial Education Center is a Division of Energy & Community Resources
Financial Education
Asset Development
Secure Jobs
We are getting ready for VITA which will also be completely virtual this year. Information for scheduling appointments will be available by the end of January 2021.
Give us a call to learn more about our free programs!
Listen to Chris Santos-Gordon, Director Financial Education Center, disucss the Top 6 things to do to manage finances during the pandemic – WCAP Radio 8/4/2020: 1.Rework your budget 2. What can you live without? 3. Divert those “things I can live without” into savings 4. Take Care of Your Credit 5. Increase Income 6. Schedule a financial coaching appointment with us! 978.654.5673; FEC Facebook Page
All programs are being offered virtually.This September AND October we’ll be holding our Financial Literacy Academy via ZOOM. All who complete the FLA will receive a gift card for participating in the 6 week, once per week program! Give us a call to learn more 978-654-5673
Community Teamwork’s Coordinated Family and Community Engagement, funded by the MA Dept of Early Education and Care bring you: Teaching Your Preschooler about Money
Programing at CTI’s Financial Education Center
165 Merrimack Street – Lowell, MA 01852
Billy J. Hensley, Ph.D, President and CEO of National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
•A new survey from the National Endowment for Financial Education finds that nearly 9 in 10 (88%) Americans say the COVID-19 crisis is causing stress on their personal finances.
•Financial literacy cannot predict or remedy a crisis, but financial education will play a pivotal role in the economic recovery of our country.
We encourage you to call or take advantage of Social Security Administration’s secure and convenient online services to:
•Apply for Retirement, Disability, and Medicare benefits,
•Check the status of an application or appeal,
•Request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas),
•Print a benefit verification letter, and
•Much more.
Most business with SSA can be done online but we know that many people still rely on phone or in-person help. That’s why we want people to know they can still count on SSA by phone.
Lastly, we know that getting medical and other documentation can be difficult due to the pandemic. SSA continues to extend deadlines wherever possible.
Financial Literacy Academy – FLA
The Financial Education Center at Community Teamwork will be holding its’ Financial Literacy Academy (FLA) starting in February. The FLA delivers a powerful introduction to personal finance management. Our hands-on approach offers an interesting and fun learning environment.
The FLA is free, offered once per week in the evening for six weeks. We provide dinner and *some childcare at no cost! Attendees will also receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Please call to register–Contact Gladys – call 978-654-5673 or email gsantiago@commteam.org
Financial Literacy Academy
Tuesday evenings—
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Location: Community Teamwork’s Financial Education Center
165 Merrimack Street-Lowell, MA 01852
*call for more information on childcare
…Helping families achieve financial goals
The FLA offers a powerful introduction to personal Finance management. It is offered for 6 weeks, once per week for 2 hours.
We provide dinner and SOME childcare on a limited basis – (please call to learn more about childcare).
Attendees also receive a certificate of attendance.
Things to Know about the FLA
- It is FREE
- It is offered on Tuesday nights from 6pm-8pm
- It is taught by CTI staff who are certified in Financial Social Work, Credit Repair and / or Tax Preparation
- It is a fun way to learn about a sometimes, boring subject!
For more info contact: Gladys Santiago gsantiago@commteam.org or call 978.654.5673 to register
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Why pay to have someone do your taxes when CTI will do them for free? VITA is offered to low-income individuals, and families who qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Appointments are scheduled on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings during tax season. Please call to learn more: 978.654.5676
One-on-One Financial Coaching
Do you have a financial goal you’d like to reach, need help repairing your credit, want some one-on-one assistance in creating a budget or with ways to decrease debt? Financial coaching is a smart way to get you started! Please call our office to schedule an appointment: 978.654.5725 / 978.654.5673
Certified financial coaches will work with you on ways to: Increase your monthly income; Eliminate and manage debt; Repair and improve credit; Understand and take advantage of tax credits; Create a savings plan
CTI’s Financial Education Center…Helping Families Achieve Financial Goals
Learn more about solutions for Finances
Learn more about our NEW Center for Financial Self-Sufficiency which opened January 2017!