Success Stories
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While in the FSS program, Maxine completed a first time home buyer course, purchased a car, contributed to a 401K, and earned a Medical Assistant Certificate. Through a lot of hard work, Maxine made her View Program
The story of Mira Ve began with a discovery—a notebook bursting with recipes and aspirations. In 2020, two friends, Carolina Pino and Carolina Rios, stumbled upon a dream that not only captivated taste buds but View Program
We have been working with Ed Banks from Mill City Mentors since April of this year. We had a case open with the Department of Child and Family Services, and our case worker had suggested View Program
Immigrating to a completely foreign country and culture is a challenge that offers no easy solutions. Trying to take with you a vocation as strenuous and demanding as farming is an even greater challenge. Although View Program
Rosa completed the FSS program twice, in a hardworking effort to obtain her ultimate goal: homeownership. After focusing on her education, and earning her degree, she was promoted 3 times. She simultaneously worked on her View Program
Last fall through a block grant the FGP program was provided Samsung Tablets for the program. Most of the volunteers didn’t have any idea how to even turn on a tablet or use a smart View Program
Roger B. lost his wife last year. In addition to facing the grief of losing his life partner, Roger had to cope with a significantly reduced income. He struggled through one relatively mild winter, juggling View Program
Nathaly entered the Secure Job program in January of this year. Upon entry into the program, The Secure job team immediately identified the key supports Nathaly needed to go forward. The SJ staff collaborated with View Program
Jen Cody a year one participant returned to College in September. With the support of her employer, NFI –North American Family Institute, Jen was named to Middlesex Community College’s Merit List for her superlative work View Program
Carleen G. has been a Foster Grandparent for over 9 years. She has been a mentor, companion, supporter and motivator for many children. Recently, Carleen was granted a volunteer award from Lowell Public Schools View Program
Before After Taylor is 26 years old and has multiple disabilities. Tina Magilio and her boyfriend Shawn worked with Community Teamwork’s Catherine Tammany, HMLP Coordinator and obtained a $50,000 HMLP loan to create a separate living space View Program
Shelby Neto was referred from the HomeBASE program to the Secure Jobs Program in 2019. Shelby is a young, single parent with two young children and a very limited support system. She started working as View Program