Latest News from the Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Diego Leonardored

Mes de la Herencia Hispana (15/9-15/10) Una Entrevista con Diego Leonardo

Director Ejecutivo / Centro de Empoderamiento de la Comunidad Latinx - Estoy realmente orgulloso del trabajo de visibilidad que estamos haciendo para la Comunidad Latinx, arrojando luz sobre los problemas de los inmigrantes, rompiendo la
Diego Leonardored

Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) An Interview with Diego Leonardo

Executive Director/ Latinx Community Center for Empowerment - I'm really proud of the visibility work we are doing to the Latinx Community, bringing light to immigrant issues, breaking the language barrier to blue collar workers,

Mes de la Herencia Hispana (15/9-15/10) – Con la líder de excelencia de Lowell ~ Claudia Aguirre

Durante el MES DE LA HERENCIA HISPANA, CTI presentará perfiles de líderes hispanos locales para celebrar la #ExcelenciaHispanaLowell al conocer sus experiencias, perspectivas y la sabiduría que comparten en nuestras comunidades locales.

Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) – Featuring Lowell Leader of Excellence ~ Claudia Aguirre

Throughout HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH, CTI will feature profiles of local Hispanic leaders to celebrate #LowellHispanicExcellence by learning about their experiences, perspectives, and the wisdom they share in our local communities.
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Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) – Featuring Lowell Leader of Excellence ~ Diana Santana

Throughout HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH, CTI will feature profiles of local Hispanic leaders to celebrate #LowellHispanicExcellence by learning about their experiences, perspectives, and the wisdom they share in our local communities.
diana santana cropped red

Mes de la Herencia Hispana (15/9-15/10) – Con la líder de excelencia de Lowell ~ Diana Santana

A lo largo del MES DE LA HERENCIA HISPANA, CTI presentará perfiles de líderes hispanos locales para celebrar la #ExcelenciaHispanaLowell al conocer sus experiencias, perspectivas y la sabiduría que comparten en nuestras comunidades locales.
Andres Lopez and son Anthony Lopez

Mes de la Herencia Hispana – Entrevistas con líderes hispanos locales de excelencia

Andrés López es actualmente profesor de Educación Física en la Escuela Secundaria Robinson aquí en Lowell. Y el entrenador de cross country. Y de lucha. Y de baloncesto. Y de todos los programas extracurriculares. Y
Andres Lopez and son Anthony Lopez

Hispanic Heritage Month – Interviews with Local Hispanic Leaders of Excellence

Andres Lopez is currently a Health Teacher at the Robinson Middle School here in Lowell. And the coach for cross country. And Wrestling. And Basketball. And all after school programs. And Affinity Groups at Lowell
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CTI Celebrates Local LGBTQ+ Leaders of Excellence ~ Mary and Dorene Bowe-Shulman

Mary and Dorene Bowe-Shulman were plaintiffs in the first multi-plaintiff comprehensive Federal lawsuit that challenged the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Section 3.
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LBGTQ+ Leaders of Excellence

Mary and Dorene Bowe-Shulman were plaintiffs in the first multi-plaintiff comprehensive Federal lawsuit that challenged the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Section 3. Filed on March 3rd, 2009 by GLAD on behalf of eight married